
the Minotaur

Alistar Splash Art

Alistar Information

  • Full Title: Alistar, the Minotaur.
  • Popular Positions: Support
  • Blue Essence Cost: 1350 BE
  • Riot Points Cost: 585 RP
  • Attack Type: MELEE
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Resource Type: Mana
  • Champion ID: 12
  • Release Date: 2009-02-21
  • Release Patch: Patch Alpha Week 2

Alistar Streamers

A list of streamers who play Alistar and are atleast Diamond 2 or higher.

Alistar Lore

Always a mighty warrior with a fearsome reputation, Alistar seeks revenge for the death of his clan at the hands of the Noxian empire. Though he was enslaved and forced into the life of a gladiator, his unbreakable will was what kept him from truly becoming a beast. Now, free of the chains of his former masters, he fights in the name of the downtrodden and the disadvantaged, his rage as much a weapon as his horns, hooves and fists.