Heimerdinger Presents:



the Missing Link

Gnar Splash Art

Gnar Information

  • Full Title: Gnar, the Missing Link.
  • Popular Positions: Toplane
  • Blue Essence Cost: 4800 BE
  • Riot Points Cost: 880 RP
  • Attack Type: RANGED
  • Damage Type: Physical
  • Resource Type: Rage
  • Champion ID: 150
  • Release Date: 2014-08-14
  • Release Patch: Patch 4.18

Gnar Streamers

A list of streamers who play Gnar and are atleast Diamond 2 or higher.

Gnar Lore

Gnar is a primeval yordle whose playful antics can erupt into a toddler's outrage in an instant, transforming him into a massive beast bent on destruction. Frozen in True Ice for millennia, the curious creature broke free and now hops about a changed world he sees as exotic and wondrous. Delighted by danger, Gnar flings whatever he can at his enemies, be it his bonetooth boomerang, or a nearby building.