
the Ice Witch

Lissandra Splash Art

Lissandra Information

  • Full Title: Lissandra, the Ice Witch.
  • Popular Positions: Midlane
  • Blue Essence Cost: 4800 BE
  • Riot Points Cost: 880 RP
  • Roles: BURST - MAGE
  • Attack Type: RANGED
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Resource Type: Mana
  • Champion ID: 127
  • Release Date: 2013-04-30
  • Release Patch: Patch 3.6

Lissandra Streamers

A list of streamers who play Lissandra and are atleast Diamond 2 or higher.

Lissandra Lore

Lissandra's magic twists the pure power of ice into something dark and terrible. With the force of her black ice, she does more than freeze—she impales and crushes those who oppose her. To the terrified denizens of the north, she is known only as ''The Ice Witch.'' The truth is much more sinister: Lissandra is a corruptor of nature who plots to unleash an ice age on the world.