
the Swift Scout

Teemo Splash Art

Teemo Information

  • Full Title: Teemo, the Swift Scout.
  • Popular Positions: Toplane
  • Blue Essence Cost: 225 BE
  • Riot Points Cost: 260 RP
  • Attack Type: RANGED
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Resource Type: Mana
  • Champion ID: 17
  • Release Date: 2009-02-21
  • Release Patch: Patch Alpha Week 2

Teemo Streamers

A list of streamers who play Teemo and are atleast Diamond 2 or higher.

Teemo Lore

Undeterred by even the most dangerous and threatening of obstacles, Teemo scouts the world with boundless enthusiasm and a cheerful spirit. A yordle with an unwavering sense of morality, he takes pride in following the Bandle Scout's Code, sometimes with such eagerness that he is unaware of the broader consequences of his actions. Though some say the existence of the Scouts is questionable, one thing is for certain: Teemo's conviction is nothing to be trifled with.