
the Chronokeeper

Zilean Splash Art

Zilean Information

  • Full Title: Zilean, the Chronokeeper.
  • Popular Positions: Support
  • Blue Essence Cost: 1350 BE
  • Riot Points Cost: 585 RP
  • Attack Type: RANGED
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Resource Type: Mana
  • Champion ID: 26
  • Release Date: 2009-04-18
  • Release Patch: Patch April 18, 2009 Patch

Zilean Streamers

A list of streamers who play Zilean and are atleast Diamond 2 or higher.

Zilean Lore

Once a powerful Icathian mage, Zilean became obsessed with the passage of time after witnessing his homeland's destruction by the Void. Unable to spare even a minute to grieve the catastrophic loss, he called upon ancient temporal magic to divine all possible outcomes. Having become functionally immortal, Zilean now drifts through the past, present, and future, bending and warping the flow of time around him, always searching for that elusive moment that will turn back the clock and undo Icathia's destruction.