February 25, 2024
“How to Only Attack Champions in League of Legends”
“Learn how to target only champions in League of Legends to maximize your damage output and avoid accidental minion clicks during fights.”
If you're kind of new to League of Legends, attacking champions can be a bit tricky. It's not uncommon for an ADC to accidentally click minions or turrets instead of the enemy champion during a fight. This can be frustrating and even cost you the game. Luckily, there is a way to avoid this issue altogether. In this post, we'll show you how to only attack champions in League of Legends.
First, it's important to understand why attacking only champions is so important. When you're in a fight, every second and bit of damage counts. If you accidentally attack a minion or a plant, you're losing out on damage during the fight. This can give the enemy team an advantage and make it harder for you to win the fight. By attacking only champions, you're making every hit count.
Now, let's talk about how to actually attack only champions in League of Legends. One option is to use the "Target Champions Only" toggle. This toggle allows you to toggle between targeting only champions or targeting anything you're hovering over. To use this toggle, you'll need to first set it up in your settings. We'll go over the steps for doing that later in this post.
Understanding Targeting in League of Legends
League of Legends is a game of strategy and skill that requires players to make split-second decisions. One of the most important aspects of the game is targeting. In this section, we will cover the basics of targeting in League of Legends, including champion targeting mechanics and the attack move mechanic. We will refer to your right-click attack as an "auto-attack" in this post, but people might also call it AA or basic attack.
Targeting Basics
To auto-attack a specific target, you can right-click on the target. However, if there are multiple targets in the area, your champion will attack the one that you hovered over. This can be annoying if you are trying to target a someone in the middle of a group of minions.
Champion Targeting Only
To only allow your auto-attacks to be done on an enemy champion, you can use the "Target Champions Only" toggle. This keybind allows you to only target champion, ignoring minions and other stuff like plants. By default you can activate this toggle by pressing the ~/tilde key on your keyboard. When toggled, your in-game cursor will turn red, indicating that you are in "Target Champions Only" mode.
Depending on your settings, it might not be a toggle and you'll need to keep holding the key. This obviously isn't ideal so we suggest going into settings, going to the GAME tab, and turning on "Treat 'Target Champions Only' as a toggle" all the way at the bottom of the settings page.
It is important to note that while in "Target Champions Only" mode, you will not be able to target anything other than champions. This can be problematic if you need to target a minion or tower. To deactivate this function, simply press the ~/tilde key again.
Attack Move Mechanic
The attack move mechanic in League of Legends allows you to move your champion towards a location while automatically attacking any enemies that come within range. This can be useful for kiting enemies or face checking a bush.
The use attack move, you can press the A key by default, and clicking where you want to walk to. Your champion will move to where you clicked while automatically attacking any enemies that come in range.
It is important to note that attack move targets any enemy unit, including minions. When there are multiple targets in range it will attack the one closest to your champion by default. However we heavily suggest going into your settings (esc
), navigating to the GAME tab, scrolling down and turning on "Attack move on Cursor". This setting might sound vague but all it does is that it makes attack move focus the unit closest to your cursor instead of closest to your champion.
Best Key Bindings and Settings
If you are looking to improve your gameplay in League of Legends, setting up key bindings and customizing settings could help. In this section, we will discuss how to set up target champions only, the pros and cons of toggle vs hold, and customizing hotkeys.
Setting Up Target Champions Only
This setting allows you to attack only champions in team fights and avoid accidentally targeting minions or neutral monsters. However, by default it is on your ~/tilde key which might not be perfect for you.
To set up a custom target champions only key, open your settings, go to the "Hotkeys" menu, and scroll down to "Additional Hotkeys." Then, scroll down to the bottom and find "Target Champions Only." We suggest that you might it to a easy to reach key, such as a side mouse button or your middle-click.
Toggle vs Hold: Pros and Cons
When it comes to using target champions only, you have two options: toggle or hold. Toggle means that you press the key once to activate target champions only, and press it again to deactivate it. Hold means that you hold down the key to activate target champions only, and release it to deactivate it.
The pros of using toggle are that it is more convenient and less tiring on your fingers. The cons are that you may accidentally toggle it off during a team fight, and it may take longer to switch between targets.
The pros of using hold are that it is more reliable and allows for quicker switching between targets. The cons are that it may be tiring on your fingers and may cause you to miss-click during a team fight.
General Tips for Champion Targeting
When playing League of Legends, targeting and kiting well can be the difference between winning and losing a fight. Here are some general tips for champion targeting that can help you improve your gameplay.
Positioning and Map Awareness
Knowing the position of your enemies is very important. Keep an eye on the minimap to see where your enemies are and where they might be moving to. This will help you position yourself in a way that allows you to focus on the right targets while staying safe.
In team fights, try to stay behind your tanks and focus on the enemy carries. These are usually the champions that deal the most damage. If you're playing an assassin, look for opportunities to flank the enemy team and take out their carries from behind.
Using Target Champions Only in Combos
The "Target Champions Only" option can be a valuable tool when doing combos too. You can make sure that your abilities only target enemy champions, even if they are surrounded by minions or other targets.
For example, if you're playing Tristana and want to use your ultimate on an enemy champion, you can press the "Target Champions Only" key to make sure you don't accidentally ult a minion. This can make your combos more accurate and increase your chances of securing kills.
Practicing your Cursor Movement
Practice makes perfect. Go in to a practice tool on a ADC which buys a lot of Attack Speed like Kai'Sa and make yourself Level 18 and full-build. Put down some target dummies and quickly kite around them. This can help you develop the muscle memory necessary to quickly switch targets and be more precise. You can compare it to aim training like people do for VALORANT.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
Is there a way to permanently enable 'Target Champions Only'?
There is no way to permanently enable the "Target Champions Only" feature in League of Legends. This feature must be turned on and off manually using the keybind that you have assigned to it.
How can I change the 'Player Attack Only Click' settings?
To change the "Player Attack Only Click" settings in League of Legends, go to your Hotkeys menu and select the "Player Movement" section. From there, you can find the "Player Attack Only Click" option and assign it to a keybind of your choice. This feature allows you to attack-move while only targeting champions.
What steps should I take if 'Target Champions Only' isn't working?
If the "Target Champions Only" feature isn't working, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue. First, make sure that you have assigned the feature to a keybind. Then, check your keybind settings to ensure that the feature is enabled. If the feature is still not working, try resetting your keybinds to their default settings. If none of these steps work, you may need to contact League of Legends support for more help.
Can I use 'Target Champions Only' with Attack Move?
No, you can not use the 'Target Champions Only' feature together with attack moves to only attack champions while attack moving away from them. 'Target Champions Only' affects your auto-attacks and targeted abilities. It does not work with attack move or skillshots..
Tagged with: league of legends, champion targeting, target champions only, kiting, attackmove, lol settings, adc tips